At Fertility Plus, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond the realm of healthcare. With the support and drive from Cooper Surgical we are proud to announce our collaboration with FuturePost, a pioneering New Zealand company dedicated to transforming soft plastics into durable fence posts. This partnership marks a significant step forward in our efforts to reduce environmental impact and promote a circular economy.

Embracing Sustainability in Every Dimension

The Fertility Plus embryology team plays a crucial role in the fertility journey of many individuals. Our laboratory operations involve the use of various materials, including soft plastics that are integral to our daily processes. Recognising the environmental challenges posed by plastic waste, we have taken proactive steps to ensure responsible disposal and recycling.

Our Contribution to a Greener Tomorrow

Through our partnership with FuturePost, Fertility Plus is proud to contribute to a more sustainable future. Every day, our team collects soft plastics used in our laboratory operations and sends them to FuturePost for recycling. This initiative not only reduces our environmental footprint but also supports local innovation and circular economy practices in New Zealand.

How You Can Get Involved

As a patient or supporter of Fertility Plus, you too can join us in this journey towards sustainability:

  • Support Recycling Efforts: Dispose of any soft plastics responsibly by placing them in designated recycling bins.
  • Spread Awareness: Share our commitment to sustainability with your friends, family, and community.
  • Choose Sustainable Products: Consider products made from recycled materials, such as FuturePost fence posts, for your own projects and initiatives.

Together, Building a Sustainable Future

At Fertility Plus, we believe that small actions can lead to significant changes. By partnering with FuturePost, we are not only enhancing our environmental stewardship but also inspiring others to take meaningful steps towards sustainability.

Together, we can make a difference today for a better tomorrow.

To learn more about FuturePost, visit their website

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