Referrals for Fertility Preservation
People who are about to undergo treatment or surgery which may affect their ability to conceive in the future may wish to consider fertility preservation. Factors that may affect a person’s fertility include chemotherapy or other medication that may cause damage to the gametes, radiotherapy to the pelvic region, or if surgery to remove the ovaries or testicles is required.
- Fertility preservation will be publicly funded if they meet all eligibility criteria and also have no biological children.
- Woman must be <40 years old and men must be <55 years old.
- A referral for fertility preservation only requires information on the patient requiring the consultation. The partner’s details do not need to be included unless a couple are requesting embryo freezing, then details and eligibility are required on both.
- Patients not eligible for publicly funded fertility preservation may be eligible for a public consultation to discuss their options. Please contact us directly for any queries.
Adult oncology patients requiring fertility preservation require an expedited process for referral so do not need to be referred to NRFS. The referral should be sent straight to the clinic, depending on the patient’s birth month:
- January to August – Fertility Plus
- September to October – Repromed (contact details at bottom)
- November to December – Fertility Associates (contact details at bottom)
- Under 17-year-olds all go to Fertility Associates regardless of birth month.
- All transgender fertility preservation referrals go to Fertility Plus regardless of birth month.
For Fertility Plus referrals we kindly ask you to email (see below) the referral AND follow up with a phone call (630 9810) to reception to ensure we receive the referral. We aim to see the patient in 1-3 days. If you have submitted an e-referral please also email as they can be delayed during the allocation process. Please include in the email the three contacts below.
- Maree Henderson, Public Funding Coordinator MHenderson@adhb.govt.nz
- Christine Martin, Charge Nurse ChrisMa@adhb.govt.nz
- Jeanette Mackenzie, Scientific Director jmackenzie2@adhb.govt.nz
In the referral please specify:
- Patient’s treatment plan
- Anticipated start date for treatment or date of surgery
- Any flexibility with dates?
- Name the responsible Oncologist/specialist and their contact phone number
Fertility Associates Phone: 09 520 9520 Email faa@fa.co.nz
Repromed Phone: 09 524 1232 Email info@repromed.co.nz and pfc@repromed.co.nz